Our Events

check out what we have in store for you!


Campus Fest

A.K.A O-Week

To welcome new students and create a sense of belonging in our community, PPIA RMIT participates in RMIT University's Campus Fest during O-Week, held at the start of each semester. This lively event offers a great chance to meet fellow students and collect your PPIA RMIT card. Join us for an unforgettable start to the semester!

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A.K.A Selamat Dateng

MATENG is an event that focuses on the idea of embracing new students by giving them the chance to meet and mingle with both existing and new students. We build a comfortable environment with icebreaker games to make it easier for them to connect with others.

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A.K.A Committee Bonding

COMBRO is an event organised for the RMIT PPIA committee which aims to strengthen connections between executives and members. At this event, various games will be held aimed at to strengthen bonds and get to know each other.



A.K.A Mari Gerak

MAGER is a fortnightly sport-based event that facilitates participants to engage in regular kinds of exercise such as sport. We provide a wide variety of sports to choose from. Decisions will largely be made on request. Often we offer more popular sports such as badminton, futsal, volleyball, and basketball.

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A.K.A Adventure with Swinburne, Monash, and RMIT

ASMR is an event where participants will explore Melbourne by visiting famous, trendy and unique locations. We aim to help you get to know Melbourne's cityscape and public transport while connecting with new people and socialize.

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A.K.A Makin Akrab

Makrab is a special event to help committee members build bonds of solidarity. The goal is to help members improve their team building and personal relationship skills to maintain good relationships within the organization. We organize three-day camping trips so that members can have fun, get to know each other and have a wonderful and unforgettable experience.

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A.K.A Workshop and Networking

Warnet is a workshop and networking event created to help students develop skills and expand their network of connections. Speakers are invited as guests to share their experiences working in the industry. Helpful tips and tricks, alongside a workshop, are presented to help students embark on their professional journey.

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A.K.A Mengenang Hari Merdeka

In commemoration of Indonesia’s Independence Day, we welcome Indonesian students to gather to play some traditional games, tuning to traditional music and create stronger bonds with our culture to remind ourselves of our roots.




A.K.A Pencarian Harta Karun Lawan Kawan

Pahlawan is an event to spark unity and strengthen teamwork among students through an experience of scavenger hunt as they uncover clues, treasures and forge unbreakable bonds.