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Your Study at RMIT
Student Number
Level & Area of Study
Select Program
Advanced Diploma of Accounting
Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)
Advanced Diploma of Electronic and Communications Engineering
Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Aeronautical)
Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical)
Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical
Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering Design)
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Content Creation and Design)
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Directing)
Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts
Associate Degree Aviation (Professional Pilots)
Associate Degree in Applied Science
Associate Degree in Business
Associate Degree in Design (Furniture)
Associate Degree in Digital Technologies (Advanced Manufacturing)
Associate Degree in Engineering Technology
Associate Degree in Fashion and Textile Merchandising
Associate Degree in Fashion Design and Technology
Associate Degree in Graphic Design
Associate Degree in Health Sciences
Associate Degree in Information Technology
Associate Degree in Interior Decoration and Design
Associate Degree in Professional Writing and Editing
Associate Degree in Screen and Media Production
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management)(Honours)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Project Management)(Honours)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Property and Valuation)(Honours
Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) (Honours)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Surveying) (Honours)
Bachelor of Architectural Design
Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts (Music Industry)
Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
Bachelor of Arts (Photography) (Honours)
Bachelor of Aviation (Pilot Training)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Bachelor of Business Professional Practice
Bachelor of Communication (Advertising)
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism)
Bachelor of Communication (Media)
Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication)
Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Computer Science (Professional)
Bachelor of Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Criminology and Psychology
Bachelor of Data Science
Bachelor of Data Science (Professional)
Bachelor of Design (Animation and Interactive Media)
Bachelor of Design (Communication Design)
Bachelor of Design (Digital Media)
Bachelor of Design (Games)
Bachelor of Education (Primary and Early Childhood Education)
Bachelor of Education (Primary and Physical Education/Sport)
Bachelor of Education (Primary Education and Disability Inclusion)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Engineering (Adv Manufacturing & Mechatronics)(Hons)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Honours)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Automotive Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Honours)/Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure) (Honours)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Engineering) (Honours)/Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Computerand Network Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering)(Honours)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Honours)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)(Honours)/Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Sustainable Systems Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Environment and Society
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Environmental Science / Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Environment and Society
Bachelor of Fashion (Design)
Bachelor of Fashion (Design) (Honours)
Bachelor of Fashion (Enterprise)
Bachelor of Fashion and Textiles (Sustainable Innovation)
Bachelor of Geospatial Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Health and Biomedical Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Science / Bachelor of Applied Science (Chinese Medicine)
Bachelor of Health Science / Bachelor of Applied Science (Chiropractic)
Bachelor of Health Science / Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathy)
Bachelor of Health, Physical Education and Sport (Secondary)
Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional)
Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours)
Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies (Development)
Bachelor of International Studies (Global Security)
Bachelor of International Studies (Languages)
Bachelor of Justice and Criminology (Honours)
Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine (Honours)
Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Legal and Dispute Studies
Bachelor of Media and Communication (Honours)
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Honours)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry) / Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics and Statistics)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)/Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Food Technology and Nutrition)
Bachelor of Science (Food Technology) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Food Technology)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Physics) (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/ Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Software Engineering
Bachelor of Space Science
Bachelor of Textiles (Design)
Bachelor of Textiles (Design) (Honours)
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Honours)
Bachelor of Youth Work and Youth Studies
Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
Certificate IV in Custom-Made Footwear
Certificate IV in Design
Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques
Certificate IV in Photography and Digital Imaging
Certificate IV in Textile Design, Development and Production
Diploma of Accounting
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
Diploma of Business
Diploma of Commerce
Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management
Diploma of Fashion Styling
Diploma of Graphic Design
Diploma of Information Technology
Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Networking)
Diploma of Information Technology (Cloud Engineer)
Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
Diploma of Interior Design
Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English)
Diploma of Laboratory Technology
Diploma of Nursing
Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging
Diploma of Product Design
Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects)
Diploma of Screen and Media (Content Creation)
Diploma of Visual Arts
Diploma of Visual Merchandising
Doctor of Philosophy (Accountancy)
Doctor of Philosophy (Aerospace Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Biology & Biotechnology)
Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Chemistry)
Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Physics)
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture & Design)
Doctor of Philosophy (Art)
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Science)
Doctor of Philosophy (Built Environment)
Doctor of Philosophy (Business Information Systems)
Doctor of Philosophy (Business)
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Complementary Medicine)
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science)
Doctor of Philosophy (Design)
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics, Finance & Marketing)
Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Fashion & Textiles)
Doctor of Philosophy (Food Science)
Doctor of Philosophy (Geospatial Sciences)
Doctor of Philosophy (Global, Urban & Social Studies)
Doctor of Philosophy (Laboratory and Clinical Sciences)
Doctor of Philosophy (Law)
Doctor of Philosophy (Management)
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences)
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Media & Communication)
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Radiations)
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing)
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology)
Doctor of Philosophy (Supply Chain Logistics)
English for Academic Purposes (Elementary to Advanced Plus)
Foundation Studies: Art, Design and Architecture
Foundation Studies: Business
Foundation Studies: Communication and Social Context
Foundation Studies: Engineering and Science
Foundation Studies: Health
Foundation Studies: Information Technology
Graduate Certificate in Animation, Games and Interactivity
Graduate Certificate in Blockchain Enabled Business
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (Executive)
Graduate Certificate in Business Information Technology
Graduate Certificate in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building
Graduate Certificate in Finance
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management
Graduate Certificate in International Business
Graduate Certificate in Justice and Criminology
Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
Graduate Certificate in People Analytics
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Project Management
Graduate Certificate in Property
Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Graduate Certificate in Translating and Interpreting
Graduate Certificate of Commerce
Graduate Certificate of Design Innovation and Technology
Graduate Certificate of Fashion (Entrepreneurship)
Graduate Diploma in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building
Graduate Diploma in Journalism
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Graduate Diploma in Property
Graduate Diploma in Translating and Interpreting
International Study Program (Postgraduate)
International Study Program (Undergraduate)
Master of Advertising
Master of Analytics
Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity
Master of Applied Science (Built Environment)
Master of Applied Science (Health & Medical Physics)
Master of Artificial Intelligence
Master of Arts (Art in Public Space)
Master of Arts (Arts Management)
Master of Blockchain Enabled Business
Master of Business (Accountancy)
Master of Business (Business & Law)
Master of Business (Business Information Systems)
Master of Business (Economics, Finance & Marketing)
Master of Business (Management)
Master of Business (Supply Chain Logistics)
Master of Communication
Master of Communication Design
Master of Data Science
Master of Design
Master of Design (Architecture & Design)
Master of Design (Fashion & Textiles)
Master of Design (Media & Communication)
Master of Design Innovation and Technology
Master of Education
Master of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Aerospace)
Master of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Electronic Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Environmental Engineering)
Master of Engineering (International Automotive Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Management)
Master of Engineering (Manufacturing)
Master of Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering)
Master of Engineering (Sustainable Energy)
Master of Engineering (Telecommunication and Network Engineering)
Master of Fashion (Design)
Master of Fashion (Entrepreneurship)
Master of Fine Art
Master of Food Science and Technology
Master of Geospatial Science
Master of Global Studies
Master of Human Resource Management
Master of Interior Design
Master of Justice and Criminology
Master of Occupational Health and Safety
Master of Photography
Master of Project Management
Master of Property
Master of Public Policy
Master of Science (Applied Biology & Biotechnology)
Master of Science (Applied Chemistry)
Master of Science (Applied Physics)
Master of Science (Aviation)
Master of Science (Biomedical Science)
Master of Science (Complementary Medicine)
Master of Science (Computer Science)
Master of Science (Digital Health)
Master of Science (Food Science)
Master of Science (Geospatial Sciences)
Master of Science (Health Science)
Master of Science (Laboratory and Clinical Sciences)
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences)
Master of Science (Medical Radiations)
Master of Science (Medical Science)
Master of Science (Nursing)
Master of Science (Psychology)
Master of Social Science (Global, Urban & Social Studies)
Master of Teaching Practice (Primary Education)
Master of Teaching Practice (Secondary Edcuation)
Master of Technology (Fashion & Textiles)
Master of Translating and Interpreting
Master of Urban Planning and Environment
Master of Writing and Publishing
PhD (Biomedical Engineering)
PhD (Digital Health)
PhD (Health Science)
PhD (Medical Science)
Expected Completion Date